After seeing the stairs within the walls, we are introduced into the 12th century tower promoted by Bishop Pedro de Librana after the conquest of Zaragoza in 1118. In the room centre, it is shown an impressive set design which recreates the Eucharistic procession of Corpus Christi. The combination is formed by precious metal articles which reflect the great quality of work in Aragonese workshops for the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
The Feast of Corpus Christi was established in the 13th century by Pope Urbano IV, with the papa bull Transiturus de hoc mundo. In this room, the Eucharistic procession is recreated in Baroque style, following marked standards given in the Counter-Reformation from the 16th century. Every Christian inhabitant in cities participated in this procession holding a large candle and as a reminder of them, it has been installed a forest with standing lights.